DIY Homemade Lemon Bleach For Skin Lightening

Oh So Lemony: Bleaching The Skin at Home with Lemon

Lemon with its bleaching properties can add good results to the skin lightening regime.
I will be sharing info on bleaching the skin and how to make use of lemon for bleaching the skin.

Bleaching the skin is a common cosmetic procedure which lightens the skin tone. Bleach is conventionally performed by a cosmetic therapist or a beautician in countries like India. But with the booming urge of going natural  forces me try out homemade beauty recipes. In same sequence and keeping up the same spirit I  share a very basic yet effective homemade lemon bleach for skin.

Lemon for Fair skin Bleaching

Lemon is full with vitamin C and antioxidants which makes it a good melanin checker.
Citric acid in lemon helps to get rid of the dead skin as it helps in breaking the bond between the dead cells and new cells.
Although this article is all about skin lightning with homemade lemon bleach, I would also take the liberty to make a mention about the famous lemon sugar exfoliator. Exfoliating the skin with homemade lemon exfoliator will leave the skin free of dead cells, smooth and fresh.
Coming back to the topic now making your own homemade lemon bleach for skin is no rocket science.

Using Lemon bleach for skin Lightening

Cut a lemon into two halves run it under tap water for 2-3  mins. Now squeeze out the lemon juice on a damp cotton ball. Apply it all over the face by gently dabbing the cotton ball on the face.
Leave it for 10-15 mins and wash your face nicely. Do not use an chemical based soap or face wash after rinsing off the lemon juice. Use gram flour to wash the face instead.

Do this only twice a week not more than that. This lemon bleach shall lighten the skin leaving it fresh and clean.

Precautions while using lemon on skin


  • Do not use lemon juice directly on the skin. Dilute it, or mix it with gram flour.
  • Never go out in the sun without removing the lemon juice from the skin completely. 
  • Avoid using lemon bleach for skin lightening if you are suffering from skin diseases or you have severe pigmentation problem.
  • Do not apply lemon juice on cuts and wounds.
  • Always do a patch test before using an lemon based bleaching recipes.
  • Last but not the least, consult your skin/beauty therapist before using lemon bleach on your skin.
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