How to Lower High Blood Pressure Naturally During Pregnancy

How do you lower high Blood Pressure While Pregnant ?

Blood Pressure levels are under constant monitoring in pregnancy. It will be checked in all your OB/Gyn. visits during pregnancy. Along with check ups it equally important to keep the blood pressure levels normal and under control.

These are some simple lifestyle alterations that will help you to lower your blood pressure levels naturally.

Lower blood pressure naturally during pregnancy


Stress during pregnancy is not good for both mother and baby as it may lead to many other problems.
Emotional comfort and happiness should be the prime priority for pregnant women.
Ironically knowing the fact that you have high blood pressure is bound to stress you out. So deal with the fact calmly and try to follow the instruction given by your OB/Gyn.

To relieve stress while pregnant you must try to :

Be happy 
Avoid emotional conflicts with everyone and try to resolve if you have with anyone close to you.
Try to indulge in activities that suits your interest, remember the activity you chose should not be physically rigorous or harmful to your pregnancy.
Avoid any factor or situation that may cause anxiety, worry or fear.

A Blood Pressure monitor is a good and handy gadget to keep a check on your bp levels. Using it or not is a personal choice but having one is always good idea.

Plan out your weekly Schedule

If you are a working woman than you become more prone to pressures and stress. Plan out your weekly schedule beforehand, by doing so you will be able to organize your day at work properly.

Follow your mind and body Signals

Your body and mind will certainly give you a signal when you go overboard working. Dont try to overdo things and avoid activities that causes exertion and exhaustion. Just stop and relax when your body says its done for today.


Once you are in your late second trimester you will be feeling your baby movements more often than before.
This is the time when you should start visualizing yourself with your baby. Many women love to talk to their babies and believe me its a wonderful thing to do. After all the baby is listening to her mommy by now.

Take Less salty Diet

diet to lower blood pressure during pregnancy

Extra intake of salt in daily diet may shoot your BP levels up. Put less salt while cooking your food. Avoid processed and fried food as they are high in salt content, especially potato wafers.
Eat fresh fruit and green vegetables adequately. 

Take Adequate Rest

Whenever you get time take rest and good sleep.
Try to sleep well during night so that you wake up fresh and energetic next morning

Now the Precautions you need to take while pregnant

No matter how known and familiar the problem may appear to you, never try to become your own doctor.
Pregnancy is not a disease but it is a very delicate time where both mother and baby needs to be given special care and attention in every aspect.

Taking good care and following the instructions given by your doctor is the key.

Last but not the least try to enjoy this period as much as you can as it will form the best memories for your lifetime.