Health Benefits: Home Remedies Using Cloves

Eugenia Aromatica is the evergreen tree from where we get this amazing aromatic spice Clove. Cloves are the flowers which are mostly used in dried form. Due to its rich medicinal properties it has been used in Traditional Indian and Chinese ancient medicine since ages. One of the most common home remedy using clove is for soothing sore throat and cough.

Clove is a flower with tapered stem which resembles the shape of a nail and this is how it derives its name from Latin word  ‘Clavus’ meaning nail. The flowers are picked when they are pinkish in color and are dried till they attain a brownish color.

In present day Clove has made its special place in the spice shelf of almost every home. Using it as a spice is very common but few of us make use of clove as a home remedy.

Home Remedies Using Clove And Clove Oil

Clove for Fever

Take Cloves and Chiraita in equal parts, grind them using water and consume three times a day, this shall bring down the fever.

Clove Relieves Toothache

Clove oil Dab-on for Toothache

The anti fungal, antibacterial and pain killing properties of clove oil helps is relieving toothache within few minutes.Dabbing clove oil on the infected tooth will kill the germs and relieve the pain in very short time.
Take a clean cotton ball, now dampen it with clove oil. Dab this on the affected tooth, keep it on the tooth for 7-8 minutes. Now remove the cotton ball and you will find relief from the unbearable toothache
Clove Gargle For Toothache and Dental Decay
Boil a few clove buds in water and allow it to cool down. Add few drops of clove oil and stir well. Do gargles with this clove water thrice a day. This will not only help in decreasing dental decay but will also help in curing the problem of bad breath.

Cloves For Respiratory Ailments 

Cough is a very common problem but it gets terrible if left untreated. Lying down becomes a punishment if you get a sudden cough bout. Continuous coughing may lead to tired and exhausted nerves which will make you feel weak and sick. Sudden change in weather is a very common cause of such throat infections, however they can be dealt with easily using home remedies.
Homemade Cough Tablets
For this home remedy you will require equal parts of Cloves, black pepper and Bahera. Weigh all the three ingredients and mix Catechu (kattha) equal to the combined weight of all these three ingredients. Grind all these into a fine paste, using a concoction made with the bark of Acacia nilotica (babool) tree.
 Now this mixture is ready to make small pea sized balls. Make the balls and keep them to dry indoors.Store them in an airtight container.
 Take two balls twice in a day this shall treat the cough completely.

Homemade Clove Cough Syrup

Take 5-6 buds of clove and half inch long cinnamon stick. Dry roast these two spice only till the point they release their aroma. Now grind them to fine powder. Take 3 tablespoons of honey and mix the clove-cinnamon powder with it. This cough syrup can be taken 3 times in a day (1 tsp each time)
Clove Oil Inhalation
Put few drops of clove oil in a steamer and inhale the steam. This will sooth the irritated lining of the throat.

Bad Breath (Halitosis)

The antibacterial substance present in cloves can help you get rid of bad breath,Sucking the juice of clove by keeping it between teeth, helps in dealing with the problem of bad breath.
Using clove powder for bad breath may cause burning sensation in the mouth. 
Cloves wont cure Halitosis completely but they come in as a handy quick fix.
Intermittent gargles with clove water will also prevent bad breath by prevent germ build up in the mouth.
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