Outing With a Toddler Checklist : Things to Pack in the Diaper Bag

Motherhood teaches new things everyday, there is always a lot going on in a new mum’s life, as the baby grows you get completely freaked out the formula keeps changing and once the baby gets mobile life becomes a roller-coaster.

An outing with a toddler is fun only if you are well equipped, I mean the diaper bag of your baby, it must have all the essentials that your baby may require during  his/ her outing.

Don’t feel alien if you are wondering what to pack in your toddlers diaper bag and what can be left behind as there are many new mum’s who are sailing in same boat. The fact is, your toddler needs one no. of everything be it food, toy, clothes or water.

The solution to this puzzle is a checklist for diaper bag. You can create a diaper bag essential checklist once and use it everytime you plan an outing with your little one.

Checklist of Diaper Bag Essentials

There are not few but several items that you need to put in your babies diaper bag, some are the essentials and other are optional things. Getting yourself a nice [easyazon_link identifier=”B00ZD3N4LQ” locale=”IN” tag=”natbeshomrem-21″]Diaper Bag[/easyazon_link] with separate compartments for everything is the need of the hour. It becomes easy to carry things as the compartments help in organizing the things you decide to carry in the most functional way.

Diaper Bag With Compartments
A Diaper Bag With Compartments

  • Diapers : A diaper is a must, you must keep 1 diaper for every couple of hours you are planning to be out and 2 extra diapers always.


  • Wet Wipes: These are very essential, just in case your lil one messes up down there. I use the Johnson’s baby skin care wipes they have one  small 20 wipes pack which is ideal for a short duration outing and the packet has a plastic cover that prevents drying up of wipes and retains the moisture.


  • Extra Clothes : I always carry extra clothes for my princess as she is very active and loves to drink from her bottle on her own. She is a foodie and wants to taste everything that we eat outside and she hates bibs.


  • Water / Formula feeding Bottle : I find breastfeeding convenient so I don’t carry formula feed while going out, but if you formula feed your baby you must carry it while going out and ofcourse a water bottle is a must have. If your kid is on formula feed keep pre-portioned bottles for them, this will save your time and efforts.


  • Snacks : These little wonders love to munch while they are out. Biscuits and cookies are the best to carry while planning an outing with your baby. Use these in the time of meltdown as bargain chips and energy boosters when these curious angels get tired. Keeping dry snacks is a good idea as they are easy to pack and carry and also they wont get stale.


  • A changing pad / mat : You will require it while changing the diapers, In India we make gudri, a layered mat made with several lining of cloth. I use this for my baby so I never actually bought a diaper mat but you must take one while going out.


  • A plastic bag: To store dirty diapers and wet clothes. You cant go searching for a trash bin everywhere, these plastic bags will come in handy.


  • Wash Cloth : Kids below 1 year of age though up quite often, thus keeping 2-3 wash cloths is a must.


  • A Blanket : Toddlers are way too moody, they may fall asleep anytime, keeping a blanket is necessary to wrap them up for a cozy nap.

Diaper Bag Extras

If you still have some space left in the diaper bag you may put some extra things that are not the essentials but can come handy while to try to manage everything perfectly during your outing with the little one.

Pacifiers : These can soothe the little ones as they get cranky. Happy babies are always easy to deal with.

Nursing Pad : You may choose to feed your baby with the formula milk if you don’t find a comfortable place to nurse your child. You can conveniently use nursing pads if your BM output is high.

Toys : Carry one toy according to your child’s age, for below 1 year babies you can keep teether and rattles and for kids above 1 year you can keep any soft toy.

Diaper Rash Cream : If your baby is having diaper rash you must carry a rash cream, even if the LO is not having any rashes keeping a diaper cream always makes sense as the little wonders are too unpredictable.

I am just a learning mother and its absolutely possible that I may have missed something out here in my diaper bad checklist, do let me know what things do you carry in your toddlers diaper bag.