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Home Remedies to Grow Thicker Beard Naturally At Home

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home remedies for thicker beard naturally fast

Every man is looking to grow out an excellent beard search for home remedies to have a thick and long beard naturally at fast. Facial hairs are considered to be the pride of a man. With the growing fashion of wearing a beard, teenagers are fond of having a thick and long beard. And there are very few men who love to keep a clean-shaven look. 

However, some men are lucky who naturally grow out a thicker beard, while others have to struggle a lot. So, they try their multiple hands-on procedures to achieve a beautiful beard look. But they might fail because the beard growth rate in every man is different. Growing a thick and long beard faster is not an easy task, as it depends on various factors like genetics, hormones mainly (testosterone and DHT), lifestyle, and diet. Also, there are specific health issues that act as a barrier to getting a fantastic beard. 

But the good news is some home remedies can promote and encourage beard growth rate. So, in this article, we will discuss some of those remedies that can aid you in achieving the beard you desire.

If you are looking for some simple ways to increase your facial hair growth, the best thing is to try some natural or organic options. Chemical-based products or cosmetic products are more prone to an allergic reaction. The home remedies include using oils such as coconut, amla, olive, and eucalyptus to increase your facial hair and maintain it and provide proper nourishment. 

Let’s discuss those effective home remedies that can help you increase your beard and mustache’s growth rate. 

Amla oil Promotes Hair Growth Naturally

Massaging amla oil for beard is the most effective home remedy when you want to grow out a full beard at home. Amla oil is advantageous for growing a beard. Massage your face daily with organic amla oil for around 20 minutes, and then wash it with normal water. If you need, you can mix the amla oil with mustard leaves to get effective results. 

Make a paste of mustard leaves and mix a few drops of amla oil in it. Now, apply the paste to your beard and leave it for 10 to 20 minutes. Wash your facial hair with normal water and dry it using a clean cloth. If you follow the remedy 2 to 3 times a week, you can get a thick beard.

Eucalyptus oil Growing Beard Fast

Applying eucalyptus oil for facial hair growth is among the best home remedies. However, eucalyptus oil is known for increasing your beard, but you should not use the oil directly on your skin. Instead, it would help if you mixed it with water or a natural skincare product with a plant as its primary ingredient.

Mix eucalyptus oil with one part of eucalyptus and four pieces of water before you apply it to your mustache or beard. Now, take a cotton ball, gently rub it on your facial hair and leave it for a few minutes. However, you need to remember that if you start feeling irritated, then you should immediately wash it with normal water. 

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is not only beneficial for your skin but also your facial hair. The oil contains enough fatty acids that get absorbed deeply into the roots and nourishes the hair and the skin beneath it. 

To promote the facial hair growth rate, massage your beard with coconut oil. Even if you cannot grow a beard or mustache, you must massage your cheeks gently with coconut oil. After a few weeks, you will observe that your facial hair will start to grow.

Olive Oil

When you want to have a healthy beard, you must try on using olive oil at home; you can massage your skin with olive oil to encourage beard growth, which is a safe and effective option. 

Take a few amounts of olive oil and heat it slightly to make it lukewarm. Then, apply the oil on your beard and the skin beneath it, which will allow it to get absorbed by the roots. 

Follow the process twice a day; after regular application, you will notice that your facial hair has grown healthy. 

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Use Cinnamon and lemon paste For Thicker Beard

In your kitchen, you can find many of the ingredients that help your skin and hair. Among its lemon and cinnamon are the two elements that can help you in growing a great beard. To mix the two ingredients- take two spoons of cinnamon powder and mix three spoons of lemon juice in it. Make a thick paste and apply it to the beard and mustache. After it gets dry out, thoroughly wash it with normal water. To get effective results, try using it at least once a week. 


Growing a thick and long beard naturally is the desire of every man and boy. However, due to some of the beard-growing factors, such as hormones, genetics, and lifestyle, some men cannot grow a beard. Those mentioned above are some of the most effective natural oils that promote facial hair growth and maintain health.



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