Natures Best Home Remedies : About Us

natures best home remedies

About NBHR

nbhrnatures best home remedies


Nature’s Best Home Remedies is a blog where we share various home remedies, Natural cures, Beauty tips and Homemade beauty product recipes. The main motive of this blog is to encourage naturalism and herbalism in modern lifestyle.

Here you can learn to make exotic luxurious homemade beauty products of your own, find solution to your day to day beauty related queries and home remedies for various health conditions.

NBHR strives to be worthy of attaining readership from across the globe, natural living enthusiasts are our best friends and we thrive on those visitors who are seeking alternatives to chemical tubs and tubes.

At NBHR we believe that our Mother Nature has all the resources in her bounty that can enhance ones beauty even if used in its most natural and purest form.


About Me

Hi Im Karishma! The owner and author of Nature’s Best Home Remedies. I have always been an enthusiast when it came to beauty and fashion gradually  I developed an inclination towards the natural lifestyle. My blogging journey began back in the year 2009 when I first conceived the  idea of penning down all the tips and remedies I have gathered.

Writing this blog gives me immense satisfaction, I keep getting queries and emails from all my lovely readers which I love to read and respond to. Keep it flowing in as it keeps me going.



We do not claim / intend  to treat any health condition through the recipes and remedies shared in this blog. This blog is purely for information purpose, we do not encourage the readers to take these tips and remedies as a substitute to medical treatment.

Before starting any remedy please take professional advice and consultation from a qualified professional.

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