Join our community. If you have content we have a platform to publish your content. You can send us your guest post through the form below. You have landed on this page, it confirms that you are interested in contributing content to Natures Best Home Remedies, we appreciate your interest and welcome you to write for us.
How Do You Submit an Article / Guest Post
We will love to feature your article on our website. Currently we are accepting article on following topics:
- Home remedies
- Healthy and nutritious recipes
- Natural Healing
- Homemade Beauty Recipes
- Natural Beauty Methods
- Holistic lifestyle
Article Submission Guidelines
We urge you to read carefully and abide by our submission guidelines, doing so shall increase the chance of getting your article approved and get published on our website.
- The guest post submitted to must be inline with the topics mentioned above and should provide good and useful reading experience to our readers.
- Once the article is submitted, it is subject to a review and if they are of benefit to the website readers then it stands a high chance to get published
- The submitted article must be original in all form content contained in the posts should not have any material that infringes on any copyright laws be it in form of images or texts
- The articles should be exclusive in nature which means the article submitted to should not be published anywhere on internet that includes your personal blog too.
- Posts promoting affiliate products are not accepted
- Do not stuff Links be it self serving, affiliate or selling any product or service.
- We are looking for like minded contributors who aim to encourage natural and eco friendly lifestyle, thus we strictly reject article that lean too much on SEO
- Including photos and pictures is encouraged. Please credit the source if deemed compulsory by the source .
- Minimum word count for an article is 450 words.
- Too many grammatical, spelling errors and use of inappropriate words and language will lead to rejection.
- Please add a short author bio and image at the bottom of your post for providing authentication to your content. You can also add your google plus profile or twitter handle.
- Once published, you can promote the article on your site, share it on social media.
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